Twitter Signup

Dinar Recaps on Twitter will keep you up to date on currency news. You can follow Dinar Recaps in two ways. You can join directly from the official Twitter account,


Dinar Recaps does not have access to your personal information or phone number if you follow them on Twitter. As Dinar addicts, they are constantly looking for interesting news and quotes to share with their followers. There are no tweets sent from the Twitter account between midnight, and 10 am (ET).

Twitter SignUp Guide For Dinar Recaps

To receive tweets from Dinar Recaps, you should enter your mobile phone number under Settings/Mobile when you join online.

  • On your Twitter account page, click Settings under your name in the upper right corner.
  • On the Settings page, you can find the Mobile tab near the top.
  • You should enter text-enabled phone numbers here.
  • Please send the text “ON DINARRECAPS” (without quotes) to 40404.

If you prefer, you can join directly from your phone. If you live in the United States, you can subscribe to Dinar Recaps by texting “FOLLOW DINARRECAPS” to 40404.

  • In a text message from Twitter, the word “SIGNUP” will appear.
  • Next time you receive a text message, reply back with your Twitter username if you already have one.
  • If you don’t already have one, your Twitter username (no spaces, maximum 15 characters) must be unique. You must reply with that username to Twitter’s second message.
  • Twitter will send you a text message when it accepts your username.
  • To turn off Dinar recaps, text “OFF @DINARRECAPS” to 40404 (to reactivate, text “ON DINARRECAPS”).

Any relevant information from the webinar will be posted on the blog, not tweeted late at night or early in the morning. Tweets are usually sent if they are particularly groundbreaking or if they think their Twitter followers will find them interesting.